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Ayurveda is considered by many scholars to be the oldest healing science originated in India more than 5,000 years ago. Ayurveda was conceived and developed by the seers (rishis) and natural scientists through centuries observations, experiments, discussions, and meditations. For several thousand years their teachings were passed on orally from teacher to student.


Ayurveda is often translated as the “Science of Life” or “Practices of Longevity” and is a holistic approach to a well balanced life. The term, Ayurveda, is taken from the Sanskrit words AYUS (meaning life) and VEDA (meaning knowledge). Ayurveda is the art of daily living that creates harmony on all levels of our physical, energetic, and spiritual beings. The basic principles of Ayurveda are to maintain balance in the body and mind, and to prevent/treat illness, through proper diet, lifestyle, as well as the use of natural therapies and herbal remedies. It is based on the view that the elements, forces, and principles that comprise all of nature - and that holds it together and make it function - are also seen in human beings.

Ayurveda is a profound way to address a variety of health issues: Improves sleep, improves energy, digestion elimination, compliment other healing modalities, support stressful times in life, menopause, and so much more..... or even simply to bring more vibrancy, meaning, and self healing into your life! 


According to Ayurvedic beliefs, each person is born with a distinct constitution of energy; a specific combination of physical, mental, and emotional characteristics that form our Dosha. The 3 Dosha energy types are Vata, Pitta, and Kapha.


It is believed that our specific energy make up stays with us always, and is known as our Prakruti - a Sanskrit term that means “nature” or “The first creation”. It’s important to know your prakruti because it is your base point. Knowing your base point can be helpful in determining what to do to bring you back into balance.


Becoming familiar with the practice of Ayurvedic principles can help to ensure, or create, a natural state of energy balance. Ayurvedic practitioners believe that disease results from an imbalance in the doshas.


It is possible to be Tri-Doshic, having qualities of each Dosha.


However, one Dosha may be more dominant in Tri-Doshic individuals.

You can take a quiz from one of the websites below to find out your Dosha:

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