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I have developed a couple of courses and digital products to help inspire you in your goal of practicing yoga and meditation at home daily.

You can find the link to the mini course HERE.

But in the meantime, here are a few ways I recommend that will help you at home:

  1. Look around your home and find a perfect spot that will be just big enough for your mat and you feel drawn to. Clean up and clear out that area so you are not distracted by clutter when you unroll your mat and it feels calm and welcoming.

  2. Ask your family to give you a few minutes of uninterrupted time. Explain to them that you need this time to stretch and breathe so you can relax with them better. You may be surprised that they respect your wishes!

  3. Give yourself a time frame of 5-15 minutes - this is a realistic time duration when your family is at home and you have other responsibilities that will need your attention and energy. This small slice of time will be perfect! Just do what feels good to you in that moment!

How do these tips help you?


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The information on this website has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, prevent, or cure any disease.

Kim strongly recommends the use these holistic modalities in support to a licensed physician or therapists care. 

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