Recommended Reading for Yogis
Once upon a time, before I even stepped foot on a yoga mat, I was reading many of the books below. I was fascinated by the peace and love...

Tips for Morning Meditations
Have you been wanting to create a morning meditation ritual but can't seem to implement it into your routine? I was actually one of those...

Pre Natal Yoga Tips and Benefits
Congratulations on expecting your bundle of sweet joy!!!! Once the initial news sets in, it is time to start cultivating a yoga and...

Finding Peace
For some of us, the search for inner peace is our lifetime intention for starting or continuing a yoga practice. I am one of those seekers.

Where Will Your Yoga Take You?
WOW. I CANNOT BELIEVE IT HAS BEEN SO LONG SINCE MY LAST BLOG POST! I guess time flies by when you're having fun! :) We just returned from...

The Path of Least Resistance
We all have that one person in our lives that we sometimes wonder why we are still friends with them. They tend to act like a victim at...
Mountain Meditation
Take time out of your life for a moment of mindfulness meditation. Enjoy the audio link below. Namaste :)

Finding Your Own Path
A life lesson that is very hard for us to digest is that it is A-OK for us to take time finding ourselves when everyone else around us...

Pregnancy Poses That Worked For Me
Now that I am through the rough patch, my practice has been back to a strong, dedicated place. And it feels great!! I wanted to share...